Your Multidimensional Bestie
I've never shared this story with anyone, except for my shamanic mentor, Lauren... this is the story of the time I met an ascended master in a cave deep within Mt. Shasta and learned the truth about my multidimensionality!
The first time I did a shamanic journey was in 2022. (I know that wasn't that long ago... this particular incarnation is new to this stuff. I had a lot of work to do in the 3D before remembering my multidimensionality!)
This was a journey to the heart of Mount Shasta, where we would meet a guide and go on a journey to learn about ourselves. It was an incredibly beautiful experience.
We journeyed in the Qero Inca lineage tradition, using drums and rattles as our tools to induce trance, not using plant medicine. The Qero do not generally use plants for their journey as they believe that the plants have spirits with agendas, and they want to connect directly to Spirit without the plant spirit as an intermediary.
The journey was to Middle World (aka the ordinary world, but from a non-ordinary state of consciousness). I was taken into a cave deep within the mountain and shown portals to many dimensions.
The spirit of the mountain told me that I was a multidimensional guide and was here to change the way people see themselves and the world. He showed me how to unlock a dimensional portal, and gave me a book that contains an entire lineage of information.
He also showed me a portal into outer space, looking out onto the solar system. He pointed out the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and asked me, what do you think about this? Does this look like it belongs here?
I replied that it looked strange, didn't it? And he showed me a history of a great war, in which a planet which harbored advanced human-like life had been entirely destroyed, in the not-too-distant past.
I later learned that this planet was known as Maldek, and was the most recent home for about a third of the souls living on Earth right now.
When we returned we all sat in a circle and shared our experiences. One woman had a powerful experience where she found a child version of herself in a box, and reintegrated this part of her into her self. We learned that this is called a soul retrieval.
Another felt a deep sense of being loved, healing a deep trauma she had felt her entire life.
Everyone's experiences were deeply personal and powerful. Except mine.
When we returned and were sharing our experiences, I felt awkward and did not share, because I didn't have a personal experience, I had a transpersonal experience. I shared it later with the shaman leading the journey and she told me the same thing that the guide had told me.
I was operating on a different level than my peers (yet again, story of my life).
I've had many more experiences like this in my psychic training over the last two years. Learning tools that sent others into spirals of despair or anxiety- whereas I was like "oh yeah, this is cool!"
I asked my teacher about it in a 1:1 and she said that it looked like I was just so familiar with these processes while others were newer to them.
So it turns out - even though the remembrance within my current body is not 100% there, the evidence is solid - my soul has been here before, operating on these higher frequencies for lifetimes, on and off of this planet. I've been doing a ton of 3D work in order to help anchor the higher frequencies deep into the 3D matrix on Earth right now.
(In plain English, this means that I have a wide understanding of the 3D world, so that I can speak to all the different types of frequencies and energies in your field in a way that makes sense to you!)
And the guides are telling me that it's finally time to show the way.
Book update....
I'm waiting on my final author proof for my book, and I am super pumped to be able to finally launch it. I am hoping to soft launch it to you all on Mercury's Cazimi (on December 6). The book itself is done except for final proof approval, and I'm working on all the business backend stuff - sales page & funnel - for the 3D marketing stuff to help it get out to as many people as possible.
Thank you so much to everyone who signed up to beta-test my Cosmic Debugging Sessions! These are going to be so much fun! We are going to record the first few for YouTube so that you can see what it's like.
My Understanding Your Assignment reading is now out of beta test and is live for anyone who is looking for a next step on finding their path. These would make great gifts - it's a good intro reading for anyone who is not super familiar with their own birth chart, but is curious!
Anyway, that's all for this week. I will probably take next week off of sending out a Friday Magic, so the next time you hear from me it will be BOOK LAUNCH TIME!!! omg omg I am sooooo excited!!!
Thank you so much for being here. It's such a privilege to be able to share this deep soul work with you and know that I am not alone. This work can be so lonely at times when we're deep in the 3D matrix... but knowing that you are here with me makes it so much easier to continue every day.
Love you, mean it, really.

Kat "your multidimensional bestie" Reinhart