When Channeling Goes Too Far
Last week we talked about Egregores, this idea of "occult entities" that control and shape our destinies. (If you missed last week's email, I hope to have a blog set up soon, but for now, reply to me and I'll forward it to ya!)
The elephant in the room here, especially as we go into the US Election next week (cue mental and emotional breakdown... aaaahhh!!!!) is whether egregores affect politics, and how.
And the answer is: they definitely do! They affect human behavior, and politics is the sum thereof - so of course they affect politics.
As an aside, I'm not sure what kind of sinister magick Trump and his team are into, but I will say that it's been clear to me for a long time now that he is not in the driver's seat, hasn't been for a LONG time, and I don't know who is.
BUT that's not what I want to talk about this week (don't want to waste another breath on that fucking guy).
Today I want to tell a story about another US President, one from the halls of legend. (Some of this story comes from the Ra Contact Material, by the way.)
In 1861, the US was on the brink of a civil war. A young upstart politician from rural Illinois has just become President - famously born in a log cabin, now living in the White House.
He ran on a platform of abolishing slavery, and was elected without a single electoral vote from the South - deeply pissing off the Southern establishment. (You know this part of the story.) The abhorrent practice of slavery was so deeply engrained in the South that to imagine it ending was unthinkable. (The perpetrators of great evil will, and always have, gone to great lengths to actively ignore the ill effects of their evils - something we see to this day.)
So how did this poor kid from Nowhere, Illinois, go on to win the Presidency, hold the Union together throughout the Civil War, and eventually "free the slaves" (nominally)?
According to Ra - he didn't.
Ra tells us that the soul born into Abraham Lincoln's body actually entered into an agreement, early in life, with a 6th density social memory complex (not Ra, but like Ra) to step aside and "let Jesus take the wheel", so to speak.
His entire adult life - from college through the Presidency and his death - the body of Abraham Lincoln was actually being piloted by another entity - one from the dimension of wholeness & healing.
Now there is clearly literally no way to verify this, of course - it's just a passing remark in a body of channeled material. But it is a potent story, I think, and an extreme example of self-sacrifice in the name of the common good.
I also wonder - and this is not covered by Ra, so I'm wandering into uncharted territory here - how much the spiritual lineage and practices of the enslaved peoples were involved in these events, too.
I mean, think about it - millions of ancestors, seeing their embodied kin abducted, auctioned, sold, tortured, beaten - HAD to have been crying out for help from our Galactic kin.
Not to mention the prayers, pleas, rituals, and magic of the embodied ones, enduring the brunt of slavery directly.
In this case, it seems like someone got the message and managed to find a vessel for bringing for the healing needed.
Was it enough? Is slavery even over? No, the wheel of karma turns and turns on this little blue planet of ours, and I think we are heading for another reckoning of this sort in the coming years (I keep seeing 2027 highlighted as a potential)
But it was something, at least!
Now, I definitely don't endorse stepping out and letting another entity take over your entire life (even in the service of something so noble).
But I do think that we can each take steps in our daily lives to live in alignment with the cosmic forces of love and unity, and work to dismantle injustice and hold space for healing wherever possible.
This is where living your Design and owning your shadows come in. Our shadows are karmic imprints that keep us locked in cycles of repetition and reaction instead of service to the greater good!
My new reading, Understanding Your Assignment, is designed to help you see through those patterns and align your life with the plan you came here with, and were contractually obligated to forget in order to step into 3D existence.
Astrology gives us some of the pieces of the puzzle - our Lunar Node axis, how it aligns with the planets and luminaries (Sun and Moon). Human Design shows us how to know if we're on the right path, using Strategy, Authority, and more, and the Gene Keys give us a few more pieces, paving the contemplative journey toward wholeness. But by putting all three systems together in a coherent single reading, I've been able to help orient several people now toward their larger journey with measurable results!
One of my beta-testers shares: "It was mind and heart opening to see how everything ties together. It gave me the healing that I didn't know I needed, because it showed me that everything I have gone through was for this purpose."
Another one just says: "Sheeeeeesh. You were spot on."
I would love to help you Remember why you came here!
Love you, mean it!!

Kat "absolutely not letting anyone else pilot this body" Reinhart