Technologies of Control
It's been a rough couple of weeks, hasn't it? Lots of shifting energies and a challenging outcome in the US Political scene. But we can't let that stop us… quite the contrary.
Our magic is needed now, more than ever.
One thing I have had on my mind lately (maybe for obvious reasons?) is the idea of technologies of control - other than the obvious, like media.
A couple examples I have come up with: the nuclear family and the Gregorian calendar.
Both are so ingrained in our culture that it’s impossible to even think outside of them. But they are both human creations - neither is necessarily natural in any way.
(Wow, I can tell I'm out of practice with writing, since my hand is already starting to ache… geez! Getting back on the horse can definitely be challenging.)
The nuclear family was primarily a Roman invention. They found it was a lot easier to control the lands and people they conquered if they could effectively divide up clans and family groups into easily controllable units.
The Gregorian calendar is more recent, though it's based on Babylonian technology (12:60 divisions).
And while we can easily imagine living outside the nuclear family, thinking of living outside the Gregorian calendar is a bit of a mindfuck.
I've had a few conversations with a new friend of mine who is on a mission to help us see beyond it. His work is based on the work of Jose Arguelles, the man who rediscovered the Mayan calendar in the 1960s.
He's most famous for being the one who organized the 1987 Harmonic Convergence meditation event to go along with an astrological alignment. (You may remember that this was the same time frame when Ra Uru Hu received the Human Design transmission!)
I have to admit that it's super intimidating to jump into an entirely new body of knowledge, especially one that aims to rebuild the calendar, which is our most fundamental way of relating to time. But, as one of the books I am diving into on the topic says - “In order to evolve, you must learn something new.” (Accessing your Multidimensional Self, Stephanie South/Red Queen, 2014, p. 31)
So today (as you're reading this) I am beginning what’s called a "28 day experiment" tracking one of the 13 moons of the Mayan 13 Moon Calendar! It’s the start of the Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance (which is just cool to say). I will absolutely report back!
In order to evolve, you must learn something new. I hope that I am helping you evolve with this email newsletter!
Launch Day for my book should be announced soon! I am hoping to target the end of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, so around December 15. I did submit some minor edits and am having a 2nd proof printed, and I need to work on a few backend things before the book launch, but I am already using my author proof on a daily basis.
One of my favorite ways to use a book like this is to just flip it open and see what it has to say - aka bibliomancy. Today’s message was from Gate 13, the Gate of the Listener. This Gene Key Listening through Loves, moves from the Shadow of Discord to the Siddhi of Empathy and is the way of Discernment.
My summary of this Gate: "Join together with a community of like-minded others; your efforts will be multiplied in a group. Beware of the tendency to talk behind others' backs; before starting a disagreement externally, first look within yourself to make sure that you are coming from a place of integrity. The old adage about having two ears and one mouth is relevant here - make sure that you are truly hearing what others are saying rather than simply listening."
I am also-also getting ready to soft launch a new offering - my first psychic readings! These will be called Cosmic Debugging Sessions, and it's the way my signature energy work has come through during my 2.5 years of training. It translates my day-job skills of monitoring and debugging into your cosmic energy field, looking for where you might be blocked, and either witnessing you unblock yourself, or helping you move things out if you are stuck. I’ll be looking for 2-3 beta testers to help me refine these, so if it sounds like something you are interested in, hit reply and let me know!!
Listening through Love, y’all.
Apparently it’s become a cliche to sign off with "Love you, mean it" but I really do. Thank you for being here.
Love you, and I actually, truly mean it!