Aliens or Gods
Strap in, friend... today I’m going to tell you a story…
… about that one time that 3 average people in Kentucky managed to channel the Egyptian Sun God Ra…
… and discovered that the Egyptians had it all wrong, and that Ra is actually just our older sibling, NOT the actual Sun God?!
Have you ever heard of Clarke’s Third Law? That’s the legendary sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote a set of laws about sci-fi, but that also apply to our world and technology.
This third law states that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
There’s a corollary to this law (I’m unsure who to credit for it, but I think Carl Sagan probably deserves some credit): “Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial is indistinguishable from a God.”
In fact, there’s plenty of evidence from around the world that many of the entities that we humans have worshipped as Gods for millennia…
… are exactly that - just advanced aliens.

One of the most well documented of these cases comes from that time that a group of folks living in Kentucky, who were researching the UFO phenomenon and channeling various groups, ended up talking to the Egyptian Sun God, Ra.
Well, not exactly. Turns out the Egyptians got it all wrong, and that Ra was never a God in the first place, just a far more advanced being, trying to offer some neighborly advice… but ended up learning the hard way that humans will interpret things wildly out of context.
So Ra isn’t a Sun God, and never was - just a friendly sixth-density social memory complex that evolved next door and wanted to help us out a bit. Hijinks ensue…
One of my favorite episodes of television of all time is from Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 3 - it’s called “Who Watches the Watchers?”
The premise of this episode is that the Enterprise is dropping in on a Federation outpost monitoring the development of a proto-Vulcan species that has not yet achieved Warp capabilities, meaning they are off-limits for contact per the Prime Directive. However, they are getting close, so the Federation is keen to monitor them closely.
Except their cover gets blown and the locals catch on…
… and decide that the Federation are Gods…
… and start worshipping “the Picard” (aka the man in the sky who seems to have it all under control)!
It’s really quite entertaining, but it’s also incredibly insightful - because it’s really exactly how it would go.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen that episode (or watched TNG in awhile) I highly recommend it.
(There is also a theory that Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, was working with high level security clearance officials, and that the entire series was scripted to start planting ideas in our minds preparing us for disclosure… I’m not 100% sold on that but it’s an intriguing idea.)
So the Ra Material, as this body of channeled information from that Kentucky group is referred to, is, in my opinion, one of the most credible sources of channeled material out there, for a number of reasons. First and foremost is just the precision and dedication that the channeling group took. They describe their protocols in the books and it is impressive. From the orientation of the channel’s body in space, to the ritual they use to seal the room, the placement of artifacts at her head… it’s all incredibly precise and detailed.
They also used what is known as “trance channeling” where the so-called “instrument” - the one vocalizing for the contact - is out of her body and totally unaware of what is going on. (This is in contrast to conscious channeling, where the channel is aware of the message coming through, and even providing some level of interpretation.)
Understandably, many people are reasonably skeptical about channeled material, and it’s certainly the case that a lot of it is just made up by the person supposedly “channeling” for fame and fortune.
But in this case, I think it’s worth looking closely, because there are a lot of indications that this could be a legitimate case of contacting an extraterrestrial entity.
There’s at least one time that Ra, in a channeling session, actually “told on” the channel - by revealing information to her companions that she had intended to keep secret.
Plus, the body of information revealed over the 106 sessions across 2+ years is so detailed, so rich, and so internally consistent that it would be more impressive to me if someone had actually just made it up.
It’s all freely available online at lawofone.org, and there are 5 volumes of books that you can get on Amazon or anywhere else you buy books. You can even download recordings of the sessions, though I don’t necessarily recommend it as an introduction - this is not a podcast, it’s slow, methodical channeling - like 1 word every 2-3 seconds. Not easy listening!
So if this group really channeled the same Ra that the Egyptians went on to worship as a Sun God, but Ra isn’t a Sun God at all, just a well-meaning neighbor, then this means that the corollary to Clarke’s Law is in fact proven - at least some of the Gods that humans have worshipped are, in fact, extraterrestrials.
This is where UFO research and spirituality start to collide, and it’s a fascinating overlap with some extremely fertile ground to dig into (and rabbit holes to fall into).
I prefer to take the approach of learning as much as I can about whatever fascinates me, then making a determination as to whether the information makes sense for me or not, once I understand it. In this case, the Ra material has become one of my textbooks - not necessarily all taken as fact, but I do take it at face value.
That is, I believe that the group contacted a being that calls itself Ra, and I’m reasonably convinced that Ra is an alien entity with the origins that it claims, but I don’t take everything Ra says as gospel, because Ra is just an “older sibling” - and Ra themselves wouldn’t want us to, anyway!
It’s also another one of my foundational systems, and one that does not overlap at all with astrology or Human Design. In fact it’s easy to confuse, because people in the HD world will call the founder “Ra” because he took on the name “Ra Uru Hu” after becoming the messenger. I will always refer to him as “Ra Uru Hu” for this reason - to me, Ra is the “humble messenger of the Law of One”, aka a social-memory complex that evolved on Venus and popped across the street a few thousand years ago to lend us a cup of sugar before realizing that was a Bad Idea.
Ra’s primary message is one of unity - it’s called the Law of One because Ra is sharing that we are all parts of the One Infinite Creator experiencing itself.
Ra reminds us to “… look up from inward working and behold the glory, the might, the majesty, and the peace of oneness. Let no consideration of bird or beast, darkness or light, shape or shadow, keep any which seeks from the central consideration of unity.” (Session 97)
Which is also kinda what we’ve gathered from modern physics and cosmology, and to me, there’s no other thing we could be.
But it also confirms that some of our Gods are, in fact, aliens.
But are all of them?
What about spiritual entities that are created by humans, that then grow in the astral plane, and affect physical reality by way of manipulating human behavior?
That’s getting into the realm of the Egregore, which I will talk about in my next edition of Friday Magic!